The Legend of the XXX mates

Im sure everyone knows of EVIL PATRIXXX, EVIL KERMIXXX, EVIL SONIXXX etc? Have you ever wondered how they were made, who their mates where, and why EVIL PATRIXXX is so friggin sexy? Well, ill tell you.
EVIL PATRIXXX came from Sonic.exe as a background character. You've just never seen him, but he is the one that made sonic.exe, and he laughed and luaghed and LAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHED! because he was EVIL PATRIXXX,
next came EVIL KERMIXXX, EVIL KERMIXXX came from DUH MOOPETS, and EVIL PARTIXXX bit him and de booty. When suddenly foxy came in and said "SCREEEEEEE! GIMME THE BOOTY!* and tackled EVIL PATRIXXX and EVIL KERMIXXX
EVIL SONIXXX is... well sonic.exe, thats really it. Kinda anticlimatic there eh? Anyways, how about this climate eh? Pretty bitter here in the arctic... oh, you arent in the arctic? then where do you live? Oh really. Well i dont really care right now, EVIL PATRIXXX is coming. Must prepare booty.